Enter your zip code and click on the Create Fee Worksheet button. Geographic adjustments will be applied to the displayed Medicare Fee. The Medicare Fee displayed is the Allowed Amount. To find the Medicare limiting charge for non-participating providers, consult your Medicare Administrative Contractor.
Please read disclaimer before use.
CPT® Copyright American Medical Association
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Your Fee Worksheet (Enter a ZIP Code above to see results)
About This Chiropractic Fee Calculator
The Basic Medicare Fee Calculator is a helpful tool which uses Resource Based Relative Value Units (RBRVS) to estimate fees. It is only for educational purposes and should not be used as your only source for chiropractic fee schedule determinations. The percentages included here should only be used as a reference and should be adjusted to fit your individual needs. Please note that some states, such as Florida, mandate specific percentages of the Medicare Fee as the allowed amount for personal injury or other claims.
Chiropractic Fees Calculator Use Disclaimer
By providing this tool, ChiroCode does not guarantee or assure correct use and application of fees and or codes to users or any other party. Reasonable effort has been made to verify the accuracy of this tool. The regional Medicare fees used as a foundation for this tool are believed to be accurate and current. Absolute accuracy though of this tool or the use of this tool cannot be guaranteed. ChiroCode will be held harmless of any and all liability arising from fee schedule establishment or management based upon the use of this tool. This tool is not endorsed by the American Medical Association (AMA).